British Chamber Digital Healthcare Paper

The British Chamber Submits Digital Healthcare Paper to Hong Kong Government

The Chamber attended a meeting with Mrs Carrie Lam in September 2020 to discuss our GBA submissions. Mrs Carrie Lam requested for us to follow up with a more detailed briefing paper on the important subject of digital health. The Chamber’s Healthcare sub-committee, under the leadership of Dr Hanif Kanji, has since worked on a briefing paper.

The paper analyses in some detail the WHO’s digital health strategy; international experience in digital health across a number of jurisdictions; and the current position in Hong Kong, before then going on to set out our recommendations, both in terms of quick wins and a longer-term strategy. The COVID 19 pandemic has created an impetus to change the way in which health services are delivered with a more flexible and modern approach, leveraging digital technology. It is critical, in our view, that Hong Kong embraces this change.

Click here to view the full paper.